The time used to sketch and design any project is getting shorter and the trend is getting towards simultaneous planning and execution. Should we resist this trend and insist on returning to clear milestones and timespans?
Yes, it would be beneficial to be able to slow down and avoid mistakes, which are likely to happen in a rush. But the other way to move ahead would be to think, which parameters and procedures should we change to decrease the time spent from the beginning to the completion of the project.
One certain factor is the quality and availability of relevant product data. All data is typically already existing and it doesn’t need to be created. But the problem with product data is the availability and format – all PDF catalogues existing in the internet do not communicate with purchasing or planning software. Most of existing product data does not support comparison between products. ETIM data based systems enable different comparisons and searches on technical values.
Some of the manufacturers fear that ETIM data leads customers to choose the cheapest products available with matching technical characteristics. It is true that ETIM doesn’t contain any features for brand value or easy installation. On the other hand: how severely do you trust your product and brand if you have such fears? Is your offering restricted only to the technical properties of the physical product?
"ETIM (electro-technical information model) is an initiative to standardize the electronic exchange of product data for electrical and electronic products to enable the electronic trading of these products. The standard is designed to meet the requirements of the electrical industry and allows for the uniform, technical description of electrical goods and their assignment to a class of products."